Sample Source Paper

. Whywasthissourcepublishedin1863?Explainyouranswerusingdetailsofthesourceandyour

The caricature is published to ridicule Bismarck. Being published in Frankfurt, a smaller pro-Austria German state, the cartoonist uglified the Prussian military ambition. The ‘iron and blood’ saddle represents his policy of strengthening Prussian industrialization and militarization, and France is caricatured to be a proud cockerel that Bismarck rides in lieu of a horse. The cartoonists implies that the pound nature of the French army is being overpowered by Bismarck and this creates a ridiculous image of Prussian ambition in general, fueling the local zeitgeist of disdain for Prussia.

However, the cartoon also gloomily foreshadows the potential future in hold for such a city as Frankfurt. In the worsening of relationships between Austria and Prussia between the years 1860-1866, it is cartoons like this that further polarize both parties. By putting Bismarck in the role of Blucher, the cartoonist implies that Bismarck will lead Prussia to defeat France again in the future and possibly other nations such as Austria as well. (7/6)

(Immediately after the army reform bill in 1862)


Source G proves Source F to be erroneous in the exact motive of Bismarck’s waging of war with France through the dissonance between the two sources. Source F claims that Bismarck is not so much responsible for the Franco-Prussian war as he believes that it would be the French King who will initiate the conflict, while Source G states that Bismarck was more responsible for preparing for war and trying to make Prussia ready for it. While source F’s main unreliability lies in that it’s an American politician’s recollection and hence will suffer memory errors, it is also prone to error as Bismarck may be simply creating a good diplomatic image with America. Source G, however, comes from Bismarck’s own words that confirms his motive from a primary point of view.

Despite this, Source F is correct to some extent in its agreement with Source G and in instances, more reliable than Source G. Both sources confirm that Bismarck had expected war with France during the periods leading up to 1871, and both sources place some responsibility on France – Source F heavily, Source G less so. However, seeing that Source F is published three years before the war in 1868, and knowing that Bismarck had provoked France intentionally with the Spanish succession question and in the Luxembourg Crisis, Bismarck may simply be manipulating politically to place the blame on France since he has been working to engineer war. Source G however, is published in Bismarck’s memoirs 27 years after the war, and hence it glorifies Bismarck’s manipulations in strengthening the army and gives a noble cause of unifying Germany to wage war. Hence, while Source G and F have some dissonance, source G is insufficient to prove source F wrong.

. AreyousurprisedbySourceH?Explainyouranswerusingdetailsofthesourceandyour

I am surprised by Source H as:

-nearing Franco Prussian War

-after luxembourg crisis and confederation of north germany

-should be ambivalent yet supportive with emperor

-outward display of military weakness


-france is always liberal mission

-denies that germany is threat to calm citizens

-just hearsay to promote national image


Responsible: B C E G

Not responsible: D F H


Unifying germany

Throughout the years 1862-1871, Germany moved closer to unification by kleindeustchland due to the rise of Prussia as a global power in this period of time. The power of Bismarck as a statesman brought about great diplomatic advantages to Prussia, and in his realpolitik he manipulated the entirety of Europe to satisfy Prussian ends. To do this, major wars such as the Franco-Prussian War, the Austro-Prussian war and the Danish war was engaged as a means to unification by force. Evaluating the sources at hand, German unification was brought about more so by violence compared to diplomacy.

The three wars between Prussia and other states was paramount to establishing Prussia as a military power and to unify the German states under Prussia leadership. The Army Reform Bill of 1862 consolidated Prussian military power, as seen in Bismarck’s determination in Source C’s “blood and iron” being the way to gain power in German states. The Danish war was a international rehearsal and display of Prussia’s army strength and aggression, as Source D portrays the bloodthirsty King Wilhelm in his pursuit of danish blood and human flesh, echoing the zeitgeist of Prussia aggression’s international reputation. The thread of war continues as the paramount showdown between Austria and Prussia erupted by July 1866, as Source E depicts the quarrel between Prussia and Austria in swords and Source A claims the “Austro-Prussian War [as] a landmark” of Prussia’s “needle gun and organization of army,” showing that technological and military strength guaranteed victory by violence. Perhaps war is ultimately the only way to unite the nations: liberal dissent to Bismarck’s conservative policies were overcome in Source F and the power of warfare was confirmed as the “Prussian liberal and nationalist” claims, albeit unwillingly and simultaneously condemning war, that “Prussia has no choice” and that “the war will have the result that we desire.” Coming from a personal letter, it is a reliable reflection of even liberals were able to come to acknowledge that perhaps force is the only means to achieve a difficult end.

However, diplomacy was also seen to be paramount as it is diplomacy that enabled these displays of violence. Source B sees that “Bismarck’s diplomacy” allowed for “providing wars and statesmanship allowed for complete victory, which shows that diplomacy is what enabled wars. Bismarck’s diplomacy in the Danish Crisis was shown as Source A sees that he could “pick a quarrel with Austria” at any time using Denmark, leading. Furthermore, Bismarck’s skill in the Hohenzollern candidature was shown as he “quietly fostered the crisis to provoke France” as stated by source A and B. Source G and H are reliable reflections, as they are internal documents, of Bismarck’s skill and motivation in keeping Prussian officially out of the Spanish throne business while still secretly manipulating, even using the King as a pawn to his game. As the Spanish Crisis eventually led to the Ems Telegram in 1870, resulting in war, this shows that Bismarck’s diplomatic ability is what truly enabled war to happen as a means of unification.

In conclusion, while German unification was mostly brought about by force (as confirmed by sources A, C, D, E and F,) diplomacy was important in bringing about the wars as confirmed by sources A,B,G, and H. A combination of these two allowed for effective unification.

Sample Paper 2 and Paper 3

Oct 2017 EngLang Paper 21

Dear Colleagues,

Last week we had a serious incident involving Astronaut A who had been sent out on an important mission. During her mission to haul some debris out of orbit, Astronaut A had noticed abnormal sounds coming from within her spacesuit. Having noticed no abnormal features in her control boards, she had later experienced an increase in internal pressures of her spacesuit. In addition, the safety valve failed to alert her and in addition, a joint from her suit had popped. Calling the station using the microphone, her screaming had subsequently damaged the audio hardware. She had smashed her head across the control panel and left unconscious for an hour, her actions now remembered with an alarming scar on her forehead. This is a serious matter of concern, as incidents like this not only cause severe physical injury to our astronauts ( in severe cases, death), but also damage our hardware and our general research effort in spending time to rescue them. 5/5

Your spacesuits are designed to fit your size and act as your small personal spaceship. The small propulsion jets help you travel short distances, and the helmet’s visor not only helps protect you from cosmic rays but also turns on automatic sunshade to protect your eyes from the blinding sun. The padded seat and safety harness is to prevent your movement inside the suit, which could cause physical injury. It is also fitted with a microphone to allow you to communicate with mission control at any time, ensuring your safety. It is paramount that you take note of these features and use them properly to your advantage. 3/5

To engage in a safe mission, the most essential task is to make sure you check the condition of your suit properly. Take a look at the internal lockers and the instrument panel to make sure everything is working, no matter how short your trip is. Maintain steady communication with mission control at all times in an articulate, medium-volumed voice through the microphone. Remember to switch on the sunshade in outer space at all times to protect your eyes. To prevent crashing, cut of the drive of your jet as accordingly when you are approaching short distances.

I wish you a pleasant and productive week ahead. Happy exploring!


Commander of Satellite Control

10/15, 5


The usage of imagery regarding human ingenuity and mobility evokes a sense of grandeur and wonder regarding the human efforts in space. The use of the ‘hubcap of a wheel’ as a simile to portray the office minimizes its size and also relates it to a similar piece of technology on earth, creating a sense of connectedness in the outer world and Earth, eliciting a sense of wonder. The simile of the ’giant jigsaw puzzle’ as the construction team’s work outlines its fascinating nature and grandness, the relation to a childhood pursuit further outlining a sense of complicated interestingness, hinting that the humans are like children in their trying to create a piece of grander technology. The ‘slow motion ballet’ outlines to the slow mobility and elegance of the construction workers, evoking a sense of connection between technology and art and connecting both in human ingenuity. And yet the ‘blue-green glory’ is where it all began – the description here pays tribute to Earth as the origin of these technological pursuits and amplifies the awe of its dwellers in their efforts in space.

In paragraph 4, the spacesuit is rendered with aural and visual imagery to be a trustworthy, entertaining friend. The label of ‘baby spaceships’ creates a sense of affinity and protectiveness that is mutual between the astronaut and the spacesuit, emphasizing the trustworthy and loving nature of the spacesuit, humanizing it. The ‘softly chattering’ jets personified their ambient noise to paint them as lovely friends whose company is to be desired during a trip in space, creating a sense of benevolent companionship. The ‘hospitable snugness’ elicits a sense of comfort and belonging and continues to personify the spacesuit as a welcoming figure, amplifying a mood of security and happiness in the spacesuit’s company. Finally, the astronaut is being ‘looked after’ by the personified, trustworthy friend that is the spacesuit, further expanding the friendly imagery of the spacesuit into a parental role in the provision of safety and guidance to the astronaut.



What challenges would a person face if they became a Mars One astronaut, according to Passage B?

3. eight years of training / four months every year in simulation facilities

4. Isolation during training

5. perform physical and electrical repairs

6. cultivate crops in confined spaces

7. address both routine dental upkeep,

8. and serious medical issues such as muscle tears and bone fractures.

9. Harsh conditions during the long flight to mars, no shower, small space

10. Awful food

11. Awful noise

12. So many exercise

13. Rocket might be hit by a storm

1. said goodbye forever to friends and family / relationship, isolation

2. Lagged communication with the earth

14. external environment might be dangerous or unsafe

15. adapt to cold temperatures.

13/15, 3

The challenges faced by a Mars One astronaut begins at the training stage. One must undergo eight years of training in simulation facilities for four months every year, isolated from the world during the those times. One must learn essential skills such as performing electrical and mechanical work on damaged facilities, as well as medical skills of addressing quotidian concerns such as dental hygiene and severe injuries such as muscle damage. Agriculture in limited spacing must also be learned.

The astronaut must also be prepared to face social isolation. They would end all of their relationships on Earth as they will never see their family again due to lagged communication. In Mars, socialization opportunities are available but scarce.

During the flight to Mars, the astronaut will have no shower and a small living space. They will not eat fresh food and they will sleep under constant noise from machineries. In addition to these harsh conditions, they will also exercise daily to maintain muscle. In the event that the rocket is hit by a storm, the astronaut will need to react and take refuge in even smaller areas.

Upon arrival at Mars, the astronaut is expected to live a strict routine which includes growing and cooking fresh food. They must also adapt to cold temperatures of Mars and understand that any exploration they undertake in Mars may take them to dangerous places.


Mia’s glamour, self-esteem and rise to stardom is illustrated by celestial and luminous imagery. “Iridescent shimmers’ show the glowing nature in the light and portrays beauty

‘Sparkling jewels’ show the preciousness and the price of eyes, glowing nature,

‘Luminous form’ shows her high self esteem and how she is glowing in the light, stardom.

‘Comet blazing a trial’ forsees downfall as star is falling, despite being very bright

Using imagery of witchcraft, heat and water to show angry reaction to Mia’s appearance and the hurting effect on Mia

‘Cauldron’ – association with witchcraft, hot and treacherous

‘Scalding tears’ hot and effective on face, shameful, noticing

‘Drowned by the audience’ – imagery of water and shows mia could not breath, shocked, overwhelming

‘Waves of anger’ – continuous jesting from the audience to overwhelm and carry Mia away

how can a musician get a record deal?

1. Get a local following

√2. Send cd off to record companies

√3. Get investors to promote you. / knowledge and contact to get your music known√

√4. Print flyers and send it to people at gigs

√5. Play free concerts/ free ticket

√6. Give out freebies with logo on.

√7. Allow people to start fanclub / start fan following

√8. Have songs played on the local radio

√9. Film a music video

√10. Maintain social media and website presence – create an image

√11. Listen to advice on musician’s forums

√12. Use creative ways to get record companies to notice you.

√13. Get an accountant and show record companies that yo uare serious

14. Understand legal aspects of a contract

√15. Have good technical support in recordings

16. Have good music…


Describe a journey you often take.

A slick, jet-black hallway, decked with glaze that shine and reflect off of each other, does wait ominously in preparation. A television screen sizzles with loudspeakers, with promises of industrially homemade breakfast and paid love, paid care. Birds sing and scat, scattered around, faint sounds that do not resonate. The journey begins by my bedside, and from there I take my quotidian walk to class.

Those daily small runs or slow walks in the dark, with maple forests and cold woodland air around, all but stays upon second sight. They fade into the tropical sun, a sun that glares over an indifferent city and says there should never be machinery here anyways. I must be seeing things; but I don’t mind. And a few hundred other prepared realities are here too, walking beside me, waking in the same hours to similar faces, but I do not mind that they make me ordinary. They are people, but there are others here too, in true flesh and blood unlike us.

It was his tea again; the jaded, confused jug of nothingness and cigarette ends that declare our similarity to some extent in nationality, in substance. The man who washes dishes comes from the same place as me, but I would never be him, nor him me. He holds out xhis phone and squints at the pale bright, and so inside the screen is where he resides. An Indian woman had her mild red dot on the forehead, and she wobbles, here and there, like a lovable penguin too harshly ground by the heat. I never knew what she did: maybe something with the food, maybe nothing, like us with our books and whatnot. The noble teacher stood overseer to us all: he felt his presence properly cheapened by us, by all those around him and he knew, he knew that he could be somewhere else. Littering chatters or indistinctive shapes of mouths and sounds and wonky, childish callings come, all muffled up to my ringing ears, and I smile – or I frown, for I do not know what this is about.

And with their chatters, their pretending that they were never here, the black fades into the grey. The hallway folds and expands into a million worlds of a million people, simultaneously in places I could not know about. With hasty wipes of mouth I clean up myself and run to class, my bag lightly dangling upon my shoulders. After all, I would not want to end up in the hallway – I would grow to despise myself.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to raise some concerns about my recent trip to spot crocodiles. While I was promised an exhilarating and opportunistically safe journey, I found it to be disappointing. I have numerous concerns regarding the safety of the trip. As we traveled on a canoe into the swamp, I suffered heart palpitations as it swayed in warning of potential capsizing. We were without life jackets, and hence we could have drowned. Not only did we travel in shady, weak boats, but we were also without any weaponry to defend ourselves against the large predators. I do not want to battle a three-meter crocodile barehanded! I was told by my very tour guide that a father crocodile could flip the boat over and bite us, despite him saying the chances being slim. The trip, overall, is very dangerous and thickly-skinned to openly admit itself to be so. I did not pay my good money to risk my life away.

My tour guide was consistently indifferent and rude to me throughout the course of the trip. He was knowledgable and eruditely interested in crocs, I’ll give him that, but he treated me like a side object that distracted his attention from seeing crocodiles. He constantly tried to scare me with him seeking potentially large crocodiles, and never addressed my concerns regarding the safety issues of the journey. I was not adequately prepared for the trip thanks to him: I was never told that I needed mosquito repellent while insects gleefully stung me from all directions. Is he too accustomed to this way of life, so as to not even consider the needs of a city dweller? He is unfit to lead this trip and the journey was odd and ill-prepped.

In the future, the expedition would benefit from updated, proper equipment such as fast ships, shotguns for self defense, and proper lighting equipment. There should be more than one guide leading the trip and perhaps the trip should not occur at night time. The tourists should be briefed more carefully before the trip, receiving advice such as bringing mosquito repellent and a big bottle of courage. Adequate life-saving equipment should also be prepared – such as life jackets, and the leaders should also be adroit at diving and swimming incase anyone needed saving. Finally, the trip could overall just benefit from the messy state that it is now.

I look forward to hearing your response regarding any possible reimbursement for my trip.

Thank you.



explain your feelings now about the safety of the expedition

  • describe your impressions of Jack and how he treated you on the trip

Jack knwoledgable about crocodiles.

• suggest how you think the company might make such expeditions a better experience for the

customer in the future.

  1. Nick’s fear of crocodiles in paragraph 3, beginning ‘It sounded distinctly possible…’

General feeling is one of a hidden monster with insatiable bloodlust and power

“made my blood run cold” echos the ectothermic nature of crocodires

;monstrous aggressor’

‘sudden snap’

‘wooden touthpicks’

(b) The swamp in paragraph 5, beginning ‘We glided along for some time…’

A mystic, savage picture that bodes apprehension and danger thatn hides beneath

‘pneumatic buzzing’

‘eaten alive’

Dark expanse

‘dotted with reeds’


You are Maria from Passage A. The day after the rafting trip you write a letter to a friend back


Write the letter.

Won prize to stay for free

In your letter you should comment on:

  • your impressions of the hotel and its staff

√Owner wanted to impress these guests

√Remote from city

√Classical architecture and good landscape, nature

Misogynist – thought husband wrote the thing instead of me

  • your thoughts and feelings about your husband’s attitude and behaviour on the holiday

√He was rude and ignorant, always complaining -market stalls, should give a chance, experience local culture.

√Assumed things about the place, close-minded, refuse to visit animals

√Inconsiderate to hotel owner’s demand, bully hotel owner,

√Mean to other guests, think himself the center of everything, selfish –

√Insisting on going to raft-  got hurt, in hospital, got what he deserved, a good lesson

Need to constantly apologize for him, feels ashamed, etc.

  • your plans for the remaining days of your holiday.

√Write a good review for the hotel as the owner wanted

√Visit husband in hospital and talk to him about his attitude

√Investigate more about the bees and the bee farmer

√Go to the local market and buy souvenirs

√Visit the animal sanctuary

√Try popular dishes in the hotel


  1. the winning entry in paragraph 4, beginning ‘He agreed…’

One of amazement at the skill and magical, romanticized  imagery painted out in the test

staged scenes – a dramatic opening, outlandish, prompting idealism, formal, beautiful

conjuring – magical, creative, artistic, impressive

entranced – its audience is moved by its content, charmed, under a spell

charming mirage – echos dramatic metaphor, airy, uncertain, beautiful, magical

(b) Al and Mr Head’s visits to the market in paragraph 6, beginning ‘On the second morning…’.

Juxtaposition between Al’s vision of the abundant, bustling market and Mr Head’s vision of a failing, slow and mediocre market.

rainbow of produce – wide range, colorful, fresh, impressive and color imagery

beehive that was the Old Town – bustling, busy, pleasant and full of people

straggling market stalls – mediocre, slow, unimpressive, comparison with above

tatty trinkets – boring, trivialized, unimportant


What is the importance of honeybees and what are the threats to their well-being?

  1. √30% of world crops rely on bee pollination / Disappearance could cause global food crisis
  2. Farmers need to use other pollination techniques / rising cost
  3. √Bees are unpaid labour for the global food industry
  4. √Production of honey as a food source
  5. √bee health indicator for environmental health
  6. honeybee is one of the oldest forms of animal life
  7. √Cultural history with honeybee
  8. Cannot be replaced by wild bees
  9. √Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is intensifying
  10. √bees’ immune systems suppressed
  11. √little genetic diversity
  12. √Varroa Destructor cause them to die
  13. √pesticides fatally alter bee behavior
  14. √bees to suffer from stress from too much pollination
  15. √A changing climate



Our city – a playground for tourists?

An incident involving a child and two successful businessmen tourists occurred in a successful city restaurant√ yesterday. While the two men celebrated√ a business deal, the scrawny child dashed through them to steal a wallet√, but was quickly stopped by the waiter. As one of the men conversed with the waiter in broken Spanish, the other restrained the chil√d. An odd picture was formed – the skinny, sickly c√hild felt out of place in this posh restaurant, and the two men felt out of place in this city. Despite being held off by language barriers in their communication, the two businessmen decided not to report the incident to the police. Instead, the boy received small sums of money from the men, as well as some scolding from the waiter. √

Once a novel and magical escape, tourists had taken to complain that our city has lost its charm. “It used to be undiscovered and unique, and you co√uld find your quiet amidst the loudness.” One tourist claimed, “but now the people despise us.√ They are actively aware that we are here, and they think that we are destroying their city. In truth, the badly behaved tourists shouldn’t speak for all of us.” Another tourist lamented on the calculating nature of our city’s inhabitants: “Restaurants have tourist-specific, higher-priced menus, and everywhere you go there is fake souvenirs√ and fake beggars waiting to take advantage of you√. Thieves√ come and go so often that you could only pray you aren’t their target. The tourism industry here is flaunting itself and destroying its own heels.” While our city is responsible to some extent in its excessively predatory behaviors around tourists, the tourists themselves are to blame to introduce themselves as a visible, unwelcome population in our city. The way tourists flock to local spots and make themselves known to people disrupts the local culture, and awkward conversations, cultural and language barriers sparked mutual hatred throughout the past years. It would take both sides effort to rebuild this relationship, but it is possible.

Not long ago we thought of tourists as blessings to our industry, economy√ and culture, but now we think them a curse to disrupt and threaten our quiet lives. Some feel like the tourists are loud, obnoxious and annoying, and others believe that they disrupt our culture√ and parade their wealth around in a city where wealth inequality is disparaging√. The truth is, we do not need this protectionist attitude for our city. It’s great enough on its own, and we should be proud to showcase our culture. Governments should have guidance programs a√nd awareness signs that help tourists respect local culture, such as issuing pamphlets containing phrases from the city’s official languages. The local scam programs should also be cleaned up, so as to give earnest tourists our city’s very best. Organized tours could prevent the issue of tourists disrupting the local lifestyle, and the locals should have a more open attitude about the different cultures and values these visitors bring. We can regain this precious mutual respect if we simply start to learn more about each other. √

No matter what, it seems that the boy from the restaurant would not be starving tonight. You see, even two casual passersby did something to alleviate the poverty problem here in our city. They would not treat our city like a playground, if we stop to treat them like children.

• report what you observed in the restaurant and how the incident was resolved

• explain the complaints of tourists and how far you think they are justified

• suggest how locals feel about tourists and how both sides could work to rebuild mutual


  1. the waiter’s appearance and behaviour in paragraph 3, beginning, ‘Fenton and the waiter…’

Distaste for tourist and would rather want to be somewhere else after a long day.

‘nonchalant reluctance’√

‘ringmaster bored with his act’√

‘Relit a tired tea-light’√

‘staring off into the distance’

(b) the boy in paragraph 7, beginning, ‘By now, I was supporting the kid…’.

A morbid, dying child who suffers malnutrition and is in a miserable state.√

‘sswelling up accusingly’ seeming to go back to question the person holding him√

‘disintegrated carcass’ morbid imagery to show√

‘membrane of a human’ human bodily imagery to show his weakness√

‘rotten  miserable sight’ repulsive and saddening√

Sun Ranch: the perfect escapade for urbanized free-spirits

The Sun Ranch is located in southwest Montana – the Western movie place of your dreams. Remote√ from the city flutter, it is the perfect place for any free-spirited cowboys trapped in their menial, 24/7 city desk jobs to rediscover themselves. Apart from views of stun√ning valleys and kaleidoscopic sunrises, river flows free like beers and bone-piercingly cool winds cycle through you and your horse every single day. You are with yourself, always: night and day switch and pass by like high tides along the smooth, indistinguishable features of a life, and you are truly living within you without the distractions of modernity. Committed to conservation, you will truly be saving the environment – and perhaps your soul as well. Cattle roamed√ the land, and wild cre√atures like bears and wolves are the Ranch’s natural guardians or enemies, but these are nothing that a city-dweller can see in their lives. You can disconnect fully – and reconnect yourself with nature.

As a worker at Sun Ranch, you have the entire world to yourself.√ You ride√ horses all day long – and you are the vigilant of the valley. You may need to use your rifle to deal with wild creatures, just like they do in movies. Living in a dreamy log cabin√, you learn to endure the harshness of a cowboy’s life. You diet will consist of rare game mea√t, and you will be herding ani√mals yourself as well. Helping animals graze and managing livestock could be a tough job for a city dweller, but just imagine how cool it would be to eat, drink and sleep in the miniature world of a wood cabin – an entire valley at your eye’s view. This job is bound to fulfill anyone’s childhood dream.

-harsh conditions – coldness√

-wlearn to ride horses

-disconnect from technology

-learn to have common sense, adaptability, gumption√

-survival skills and learning how to use guns, hunt, etc√

A sight of freedom, ethereal beauty and true release√

Winked out of sight√

‘in a torrent√

Flowing across√

Skipping like stones√

The house as a greedy, childish and humorous monster that narrator has learnt to live with.

Gobbled like candy√

Soaked up most of he glow√


Hissed in√

What attracted audiences to Wild West shows according to Passage B?

  1. Myth of untamed, romantic Wild West√/ Enhanced the truth / glamorized
  2. American icon comboy
  3. Has famous characters from the West√
  4. Long running / ran for 30 years
  5. Trick performances√
  6. Shooting exhibitions√
  7. Rodeo events√
  8. Buffalo bill’s reputation / novel written
  9. Horseback parade√
  10. Expert marksmen in show√
  11. Wild animals in the show√
  12. Celebrity performers
  13. Advertisement/tour across country√
  14. Educational about culture / curiosity√

Interviewer: Good morning, everyone. I am Jane Doe here in ExtremeRadio with our Mayor, who is prepping for his reelection campaign after his tour around an island. We will be talking about the island itself, his visit and the reaction to it. Stay tuned.

[upbeat music playing]

Interviewer: So tell us about the island, its people and their way of life. What impressed you and why did you decide to visit?

Mayor: Well, to start off I have always wanted to go back to the island. I was born there, so instead of a visit, I’d like to think of it more as a homecoming. I want to reacquaint myself with my home, and to learn more about its culture so I could learn things to serve the people here. It’s the beginning of my journey, I would say, and I have made quite a bit of something out of my humble beginnings on the island. I guess the whole appeal really comes from the culture – the people live simply on the island and they are devoid of the clamor, the impetuousness of the city. They don’t have much, but they treasure everything they have.

Interviewer: So it’s the humbleness, the otherworldliness that impressed you.

Mayor: Yes. And it’s surreal to see me coming from there and myself sitting here, because it’s so different, you know? I think we can all learn something from the island. Despite their financial situations, the people is very hospitable and kind to each other. When my parents left the island, we had no money. We relied on the help of our neighbors to get to this country, as they gave us food, water and their blessings.

Interviewer: What kind of reactions did your visit receive from the media and the islanders?


Islanders deify me / seen as success symbol

Media too brash, overreaction, so many people

Annoying and followed around

Journalist bothered local residents, which I think is not nice

Inquisitive and violated privacy

Too much exaggeration and speculation

Welcomed by islanders

Interviewer: Your speech and gifts to the islanders have been criticised recently and your motives

questioned. What exactly are people’s criticisms and how do you defend yourself against

each of them?


I gave money to the eldest cousin’s charity and statue / hold culture and others

Hospital and school / in reality, these things wouldn’t fit into the local culture. Children are educated at home and we shouldn’t enforce our culture upon them / at future date

My motives to be reelected / I cannot deny that, but it’s a grander motive to reconnect with the island and

Eldest brother use the money badly / it’s a public registered charity everything is transparent

My speech shows class mobility / there is class mobility. I’m not saying everyone can do it, but it’s possible, and anyone can do it.

The facts that are remarkable about the sea women and their work and the factors

that are making this tradition unlikely to survive:

  1. √Use no breathing equipment
  2. √Make living from harvesting seafood by hand
  3. √Work until very old age
  4. √Dive during winters
  5. √Suffers arthritis / bad health
  6. √Reverse tradition gender roles
  7. √Could die easily from diving
  8. √Younger women prefer working in tourism
  9. √Go under water more than 100 times a day
  10. Farm technology enabled agriculture
  11. Island hard to live in
  12. √Divers donate money to village schools
  13. √Overharvesting
  14. √Declining income
  15. Rely on medicine/drug use to dive


2 Imagine you are standing at the top of the highest building for many miles around. Describe what

you see and hear below you, and the scene around you at the top.

3 Describe the scene from your position on the bank of a river.

The traces of quotidian hypnotism fades fast as the sun escapes our sky, our collective prize that now enters my eyes in the form of piercing reflected rays of BB guns across the sky-risers, across the sweat glands of the Mexican laundromat owner who complains about the absence of piragua in such heat, such nonsensical whimsy of their stories of a life. Yet I don’t see him now: I see the cabinets of a doll’s house, neatly and suffocatingly packed – of meats inside suits, of suits inside boxes, of boxes inside concrete legos, and their faces are identical. Homogenous smiles that turn around to become the horror movie of stealing identities yet there are nothing to steal in the first place. The transcendent, iridescent city is below me, and I miss it so.

2 You open the door to a surprise visitor. Describe the visitor and your thoughts and feelings when

they first begin to speak.

3 Describe the moment when you encounter an animal.

The reckless, eclectic doorbell rings to bring me back to the menagerie, of all the animals I have tamed before in front this very plank of wood. Her eyes lit up in the flatness of the immaculate wallpaper, of the speckled dress fabric that does not belong, of the raucous

2 Describe a holiday resort at a quiet time.

A dead man’s orison heralds nobody’s incoming. The building slants its eye as the morning clears into cloudiness, and corridors fold outwards to the displaced visitor, who had paid, left, and took memories of the view with them.


3 Imagine you have just started a job in a café or restaurant. Describe the place, its customers and your thoughts and feelings as you do your work.

Describe someone you recognise from a distance at an occasion you are both attending years

after you last saw them

Write a description of the spectators at a sports event.

Immense quietness fills the gymnasium; if one filters out all the sounds which matter; one should not hear a thing. It is the hearts of millions that pound here, simultaneously offbeat, across streams of latent consciousness and hypnopompic rue that glares of purple, orange and eclectic, juxtapositional hues of themselves. As the nerves of dilapidated bodies reach out, reach upwards, and expand into something subtle, soda treacle and tears confirm their lack of ambition, the flaws – the dripping fatness in their cheeks, the cheapish cologne that they reek, the sweat and the non-recyclable singularity of their glowing eyes had these outcasts of life reunited here, in this halfhearted stage of animalistic pride, of odd and outlandish specks of athletes being recognized by name, being cheered on.

Perhaps it was never to be transcribed into words. “Ideas never die.” Or the shouts, as they carry dead souls upon them, forcibly veered inwards through the bald tops and the spiky hair, made mountains out of the gentle glow of that runner’s skin, in curvatures thinned and circus masters ringed. And the skin expanded as if in cellular explosion, as if with nuclear fallout’s gentle glow colorized all of its treasure seekers: you are with me here. I am what you could be – and despite a few less years and a few less beers, a less awful family that had my haunting memories spared, I will walk the same damned trail with you to your salvation. And so she sets off, in the muffled gunshot that had all but drowned in the sudden standing-up of all the trespassers of her world, forwards lurching into the plasticine dreams that haunt the fully-grown’s ears.

And to the blue we return, return once more:

Imagine you are Isabelle’s parent. You have made a decision about whether to let her sign the contract or not.

Write a letter to the parents of the birthday girl in which you:

• identify and evaluate the issues you think the Friendship Contract raises about the nature of

• explain why, or why not, you will let Isabelle sign the contract and any concerns you might
Base your letter on what you have read in the article, but be careful to use your own words. Address each of the bullet points.
Begin your letter, ‘Dear Mr and Mrs Dubois…’.


  • √idea of friendship changed – something to invest in
  • √A legally binding thing to help be more civilized or less true about it
  • √Commercialized friendship and puts children into adult world soon
  • Weird – why would friendship need a contract and so young?
  • Teaching in schools – A position to fill instead of a nice thing to have


  • √Time limit? Temporary position?
  • √Will encourage her not to sign but allow her to make choice
  • √Strongly encourage parents to reconsider reality of friendship and what influence this will have on their daughter as well. Friendship is not a legal battle and the purity of childhood must be preserved
  • √Hope Isabelle can still go to party

Clad in mist and fury

Write a letter to Paul Lifschultz, giving your views on what you have read in the article. In your

letter you should:

• identify and evaluate the arguments in the article

• explain how far you agree with Paul Lifschultz’s attitude.
Base your letter on what you have read in the article, but be careful to use your own words. Address each of the two bullet points.
Begin your letter, ‘Dear Mr Lifschultz….’
Write about 250 to 350 words.

  • √Indifference – not pushing boundaries of privacy
  • √Rudeness – but is this just a different generational thing? Surely
  • Young people are rude – they are more apt to display their opinion, more relaxed with their √parents, and you yourself may have been like that once
  • Believe a strict social hierarchy should be there
  • Business skill
  • √should change expectation – helps people in a more honest world
  • Dropping niceties help people to get point across
  • √Courtesies are displayed differently by different people
  • √relaxed, more close-knit society
  • √Prepares people for their version of society
  • help students learn collaboration skills
  • Create tight-knit community
  • Adapt classes to students needs
  • Suitable for smaller schools
  • Better behavior
  • √seems like an emergency solution to save money
  • Classes could be too hard for young and too easy for old
  • Too much time for older students spent on teaching/explaining
  • Staff end up not knowing what to teach
  • Encourages pedophilia/safety concerns if adults are introduced

Oct 2017 EngLang Paper 21

Dear Colleagues,

Last week we had a serious incident involving Astronaut A who had been sent out on an important mission. During her mission to haul some debris out of orbit, Astronaut A had noticed abnormal sounds coming from within her spacesuit. Having noticed no abnormal features in her control boards, she had later experienced an increase in internal pressures of her spacesuit. In addition, the safety valve failed to alert her and in addition, a joint from her suit had popped. Calling the station using the microphone, her screaming had subsequently damaged the audio hardware. She had smashed her head across the control panel and left unconscious for an hour, her actions now remembered with an alarming scar on her forehead. This is a serious matter of concern, as incidents like this not only cause severe physical injury to our astronauts ( in severe cases, death), but also damage our hardware and our general research effort in spending time to rescue them. 5/5

Your spacesuits are designed to fit your size and act as your small personal spaceship. The small propulsion jets help you travel short distances, and the helmet’s visor not only helps protect you from cosmic rays but also turns on automatic sunshade to protect your eyes from the blinding sun. The padded seat and safety harness is to prevent your movement inside the suit, which could cause physical injury. It is also fitted with a microphone to allow you to communicate with mission control at any time, ensuring your safety. It is paramount that you take note of these features and use them properly to your advantage. 3/5

To engage in a safe mission, the most essential task is to make sure you check the condition of your suit properly. Take a look at the internal lockers and the instrument panel to make sure everything is working, no matter how short your trip is. Maintain steady communication with mission control at all times in an articulate, medium-volumed voice through the microphone. Remember to switch on the sunshade in outer space at all times to protect your eyes. To prevent crashing, cut of the drive of your jet as accordingly when you are approaching short distances.

I wish you a pleasant and productive week ahead. Happy exploring!


Commander of Satellite Control


The usage of imagery regarding human ingenuity and mobility evokes a sense of grandeur and wonder regarding the human efforts in space. The use of the ‘hubcap of a wheel’ as a simile to portray the office minimizes its size and also relates it to a similar piece of technology on earth, creating a sense of connectedness in the outer world and Earth, eliciting a sense of wonder. The simile of the ’giant jigsaw puzzle’ as the construction team’s work outlines its fascinating nature and grandness, the relation to a childhood pursuit further outlining a sense of complicated interestingness, hinting that the humans are like children in their trying to create a piece of grander technology. The ‘slow motion ballet’ outlines to the slow mobility and elegance of the construction workers, evoking a sense of connection between technology and art and connecting both in human ingenuity. And yet the ‘blue-green glory’ is where it all began – the description here pays tribute to Earth as the origin of these technological pursuits and amplifies the awe of its dwellers in their efforts in space.

In paragraph 4, the spacesuit is rendered with aural and visual imagery to be a trustworthy, entertaining friend. The label of ‘baby spaceships’ creates a sense of affinity and protectiveness that is mutual between the astronaut and the spacesuit, emphasizing the trustworthy and loving nature of the spacesuit, humanizing it. The ‘softly chattering’ jets personified their ambient noise to paint them as lovely friends whose company is to be desired during a trip in space, creating a sense of benevolent companionship. The ‘hospitable snugness’ elicits a sense of comfort and belonging and continues to personify the spacesuit as a welcoming figure, amplifying a mood of security and happiness in the spacesuit’s company. Finally, the astronaut is being ‘looked after’ by the personified, trustworthy friend that is the spacesuit, further expanding the friendly imagery of the spacesuit into a parental role in the provision of safety and guidance to the astronaut.


What challenges would a person face if they became a Mars One astronaut, according to Passage B?

3. eight years of training / four months every year in simulation facilities

4. Isolation during training

5. perform physical and electrical repairs

6. cultivate crops in confined spaces

7. address both routine dental upkeep,

8. and serious medical issues such as muscle tears and bone fractures.

9. Harsh conditions during the long flight to mars, no shower, small space

10. Awful food

11. Awful noise

12. So many exercise

13. Rocket might be hit by a storm

1. said goodbye forever to friends and family / relationship, isolation

2. Lagged communication with the earth

14. external environment might be dangerous or unsafe

15. adapt to cold temperatures.

The challenges faced by a Mars One astronaut begins at the training stage. One must undergo eight years of training in simulation facilities for four months every year, isolated from the world during the those times. One must learn essential skills such as performing electrical and mechanical work on damaged facilities, as well as medical skills of addressing quotidian concerns such as dental hygiene and severe injuries such as muscle damage. Agriculture in limited spacing must also be learned.

The astronaut must also be prepared to face social isolation. They would end all of their relationships on Earth as they will never see their family again due to lagged communication. In Mars, socialization opportunities are available but scarce.

During the flight to Mars, the astronaut will have no shower and a small living space. They will not eat fresh food and they will sleep under constant noise from machineries. In addition to these harsh conditions, they will also exercise daily to maintain muscle. In the event that the rocket is hit by a storm, the astronaut will need to react and take refuge in even smaller areas.

Upon arrival at Mars, the astronaut is expected to live a strict routine which includes growing and cooking fresh food. They must also adapt to cold temperatures of Mars and understand that any exploration they undertake in Mars may take them to dangerous places.

Dollhouse Notes

Disclaimer: This is a tragic dump. Use command+F to H


Your proposed thesis: Ibsen presents Rank as a symbol a sick ideal to be a revelatory role to Nora’s self-discovery, dooms Rank’s character arc and exposes the fundamental pathology behind the Victorian Norway’s rigid social conditioning that one must shed in order to acquire individuality. through the parallelism between him and Nora, being Nora’s foil, as a product of their upbringing and respective relationship to Torvald (society)’s.


Act 1 – morals and macaroons


Stage directions say that Rank ‘enters the through Helmer’s room’. This friendship shows that Rank is the pathology behind and a product of Torvald’s society. He is a presented as a respected doctor, his speech style typical of the upper class intelligentsia “I shall, seems to be…” However, Rank is not necessarily morally superior – he shares forbidden macaroons with Nora, a symbol of both deception and happiness, thus becoming complicit in her conceits and this foreshadows Rank’s future involvement in Nora’s lies to Torvald. His hypocrisy is also similar to torvald. This first pathology – moral pathology – manifests in Rank. Yet he still condemns Krogstad, Thus, this duality in personality and foiling relationship is introduced and as Nora develops thorughout the play, Rank is inadvertently doomed.


‘Moral affliction’a


Act 2 – degeneration


In act 1

In Act 2, Rank suffers degeneration as Nora begins to question her society. Rank could be seen as an ideal that Nora develops under the oppression of society – a better version of it. However, as Rank proposes love to her in the minutes of his sickness, “I shall lie rotting in the church-yard.”  Nora realizes the similarity between Rank and Torvald in treating her, and her ascetic, presentable and somewhat hypocritical ideal is “most wretched of all his patients”. Hence, as Nora becomes more conscious of her surroundings, she realizes that Rank is in love with an ideal version of her just as she is of him, and she must reject this in order to break the cyclicality of societal influence. As Nora becomes more independent, Rank becomes deprecated since plot-wise she does not need to depend on a fantasy anymore and thematically, she is disillusioned about the ideal and slowly moving away from the social pathology. Hence, Rank’s “spinal sickness” manifests with Nora’s development, as she and the audience realize that even as a perfect, model member of society Rank is sick, questioning if society itself could be fundamentally sick. Here, the irony of presenting him as a doctor who suffers terminal illness as a result of his father’s actions is not lost, and reiterates this cyclicality into the play, – just like how Nora’s passed from her father’s hand into Torvald’s hands – which Nora will go on to break in Act 3..


“ then it’s their place I have taken


Act 3 – here, Rank is truly free


AS NORA TRIES TO ACQUIRE INDIVIDUALITY, RANK TRIES TO DEPART FROM HIS INDIVIDUALITY. Rank adopts a much more liberal personality in Act 3 under the influence of alcohol and cigarettes, playfully ‘slapping torvald on the shoulder.’ informally and questions his former self in his own aphorism, ‘Why shouldn’t one take one’s share of everything in this world?’ further showing this liberation or regression. It is interesting to note that for all his upkeep of appearance, in his final moments Rank still becomes his father’s son. Rank’s final meeting with Nora is filled with references to the termination of their relationship, and Torvald’s oblivious involvement in this conversation shows not only society’s blindness to its member’s relationships but also Rank and Nora’s freedom and escape from it.  A moment of strange felicity in an otherwise tense moment of the play, Rank entertains Nora by further encourage her to “She has simply to wear her everyday dress.”, in a masquerade and thus acquire individuality. As Rank adopts further hedonistic decisions ““give me a cigar”, Nora lights his cigar. This dramatic spectacle mark’s Nora’s farewell to her formal psychology and idealistic pathology: perhaps it is her who need to “thank Rank for the light”. Rank’s death coinciding with Nora’s future escape could mean that society is cured of illnesses once its members are free – Rank by death, and Nora by leaving the household.


Hedonism as individual liberty


Authorial craft and intent Ideas, examples and evidence (embed short key quotations wherever possible) and use as varied and precise vocabulary as possible.
The central tension(s)/conflict in Ibsen’s construction of the character (potential thesis)
  • Escaping their family of origin – yet they fail to start a family, lives alone
  • The pursuit of Nora – this parallels with Torvald’s description of pursuing Nora
  • Escaping/curing sickness/pathology, or their inability thereof
Key adjectives/adjectival phrases to describe the character’s qualities
Act 1






Act 2




Loving (to Nora)

Act 3




Characteristics of their speech style (diction, register, tone, pace, figurative language) Polite, very sophisticated diction and a general gentleman/upper-middle class tone.
Their mannerisms and body language (stage directions) Negligible
Significant moments of dramatic visual spectacle/theatricality [Act 2, reveals sickness and his love to Nora]

“I’m the most wretched of all my patients…”

In this regard, he is a foil to Torvald.

Why should I suffer for another man’s sins?

Hints that he suffers from his fathers hedonistic lifestyle, yet he turns into his father’s lifestyle in final appearance during

“You can do nothing for me now… unnecessary…” another push in her self-realization, etc

Key quotations that show the character’s values, priorities and motivations (potential thesis strand) (Linde:Still I think the sick are those who most need taking care of.)

“That is the attitude that is turning Society into a clinic.”

Characters that they align or contrast with in a) values

b) behaviour

a) Alignment with: Torvald

a) Contrast with: Krogstad/Nora

b) Alignment with: Torvald

b) Contrast with: Torvald

Key moments (at least one per act) that show the conflicts they encounter, and their development as a character Act One

Sharing macaroons – foreshadows love to Nora, complicit in her deceit

Act Two

Revealing sickness and love to Nora

Act Three

Symbols, metaphors and motifs associated with the character (potential thesis strand) Sickness – he is a doctor who is sicker than his patients, he suffers sickness all his life – there is a strange cyclicality in that
The thematic issues embodied by the character (potential thesis strand)
Other themes to which they contribute Reality vs fantasy etc, role of social class in individual identity
Any other dramatic functions of the character? Serves as Nora’s ideal, foil to Torvald
  • To some extent, they are both representations of society: Torvald a fully broken version and Rank a more idealistic one


Rotten to the core

It’s that attitude that’s turning society into a sickhouse



Your proposed thesis: Through the presentation of Torvald as both a respected member of society and society itself, Ibsen creates a complex and mutually demanding relationship between Torvald and Nora, using their respective identity, social roles and power dynamics, to expose the effect that the suppressive Victorian Norwegian social norms upon its individuals, households and wider society. The presentation of Torvald in this relationship directly influences Nora’s development throughout the play.


How does ibsen present torvald to?…


Immediately torvald is presented as a respected member of society, full of supposed things to say about it and  expanding middle class etc, “little” 96 times throughout the entire play Nora does not speak when torvald is initially introduced except for agreements or syllabic exclamations. This exposes the power dynamics that firmly places Torvald above Nora, however Nora later takes advantage of this, hinting at the idividual’s exploitation of society; Their social roles are established as well: very specific gender stereotypes – almost father and child. And Nora does not have an identity. All the stability introduced here are built upon a faulty foundation of falsehoods and hollowed-out-people, which comes to be shaken in Act 2.


Torvald’s dramatic purpose is to bethere for Nora’s development???


By act 2 we see that Torvald doesn’t really have an identity – he is a static character whose sole purpose is to serve Nora’s self-realization, holding a strong power over her that she must learn to shed. Dance spectacle shows that Rank ‘plays for Nora’, hence showing his understanding of Nora tthrough music, yet Helmer will ‘tell her what to do’. This perfectly mirrors their relationship… As stage directions mark that Nora does not seem to hear, she is awakening to her self-awareness devoid of the society’s command or the ideal she creates for herself under the oppressive societal scheme. By acquiring individuality, Torvald marks this as ‘sheer madness’, foreshadowing the descent of their relationship Torvald also exerts further physical control, movement of ‘siezing her hands’ , instructing her to be not so wild and excitable, being his own little singing bird again. This shows that society denies claims of individuality and has further control over an individual, yet unbeknownst to the audiecne at this time, this can be easily broken.


At the end of the play, by reversing the roles between Torvald and Nora – the person who was infantalizing the other is now becoming the child, with his doll taken away. “Couldn’t we go on living her elike brother and sister?” his melancholic speech style here further accentuates the society in a rare, naive and weakened position. However, this strongly contrasts with his unbudging rhetoric he used just earlier, ‘nobody sacrifices his honour for the one he loves’ society will not change for you Torvald holds all the power and does not realize Nora’s significance in the power dynamic, and Torvald becomes, as he always were, an empty shell of a person that allows Nora to converse with her former self- the deformed self created by the rigidity of social expectations, This also further extends to the message Ibsen wants to convey to the audience through Torvald.


By portraying the society as a seemingly strong, unbulging but ultimately fragile character in Torvald- Ibsen exposes the reality of these schemes as despite all its control and rigidity, society cannot live without its individuals to support it. By having Nora leave the household, Ibsen invites the audience to challenge these social norms through the artistic action etcetc .


We’ll do just what we want after torvald’s raise

Nora is proud of her strength and work in Linde’s presence

Linde – you’re just like the rest of them

They were just trivialities

I know you rather tend to look down on me

Nora and Linde are both “proud and happy” about things they do for other people.

“This happy home of ours are never going to be the same again”

Tell him later… use as leverage.

Couldn’t let the children go about badly dressed

“It was almost like being a man”

“Without a care in the world… romp with the children, making the house nice and attractive, and having things just as Torvald likes to have them!” – the ideal life unable to conceive of anything else.

Waht do i care about your silly old society

That we… that torvald has power over so many people




Nora [uncertainly] greets her

“I’m afraid you don’t recognize me.

Not even a broken heart to grieve over

[smiles sadly] to Nora’s naivete.

One long relentless drudge

Unutterably empty

Nobody to live for anymore [restlessly] couldn’t stand it anymore

I haven’t any father I can fall back on for the money

They become so bitter

Blunt – “pleased not so much sake as for mine”

You ahven’t known much in your own life

“What a child you are, Nora!”

“I think it was rash to do anything without telling him”



Entrance: Creeps into the household while the children plays, shows he’s a creepy person

Has your husband so little affection for you?

It didn’t seem a bit like my good friend Torvald Helmer to show that much courage.

“Rotten lawyer” ironic

Somebody like me has a bit of what you might call feeling

“Just keep it” – taunting

Bonds with Nora over suicide

“Tactful””entirely in my hand”

Work his way up the ladder step by step, foricing off the straight.

“Precious pampered little thing like you”

“Cold black water, washed up in the spring, bloated, hairless”


Cyclicality in relationship



C8 Organic Chemistry

Fossil fuels

Fuels are substances that react with oxygen to release energy in exothermic combustion reactions.

Coal forms from remains of plants and crude oil forms from animals and bacteria in oceans and lakes. They were not able to rot without regular oxygen. Intense pressure and heat resulted in their formation over millions of years. All release energy upon burning.

Coal, natural gas and petroleum are fossil fuels that produce carbon dioxide in combustion.

Natural gas is mainly made of methane.

Petroleum is a mixture of hydrocarbons. It is separated into useful fractions by fractional distillation.



Complete Combustion: CnHn + O2 → CO2 (g) + H2O (g) using a hydrocarbon fuel

Incomplete Combustion: CnHn + O2 → CO (g) + H2O (g) carbon monoxide is poisonous!

Incomplete combustion happens when there is a lack of oxygen.


Fractional distillation

Separates liquids using different boiling points, and hydrocarbons have a range of boiling points due to impurity. Small, volatile, low-boiling point molecules that flow easily and ignites easily has less intermolecular attractive forces and hence takes less energy to seperate, they will be at the top of the fractional distillation columns. Big molecules with higher boiling points has more intermolecular attractive forces and takes more energy to separate, and they settle at the bottom of fractional distillation columns.


Distillation of crude oil (petroleum)

Name Boiling point # of carbons Uses
Refinery gases 20° 1-4 Bottled gas for heating and cooking
Petrol/Gasoline 70˚ 5-10 Car fuel
Naphtha 120˚ 8-12 Chemical uses
Kerosene 170˚ 10-16 Jet fuel
Diesel oil 270˚ 16-20 Big car fuel/ diesel engines
Fuel oil 260-340˚ 30-40 fuel
Bitumen 340˚ 50+ Road building



They are homologous family of hydrocarbons with similar properties.

They are saturated combustible fuel that has single bonds. Generally unreactive except when burning.

Generic formula: CnH2n+2

Methane, ethane, propane, butane, pentane, hexane, etc.



They are unsaturated hydrocarbons with one double bond between 2 carbon atoms. They are more reactive as double bond is less stable.


Ethene, propene, butene, pentene, hexene, etc.



Cracking produces alkenes. It’s a chemical reaction that breaks down long hydrocarbons into smaller ones, produce is random.

Large moleculed alkane /longer alkane → shorter alkane + alkene

Conditions: aluminum/silicon (3) oxide catalyst (porcelain catalyst), high temperature and pressure


Bromination of ethene / test for unsaturation

C2H4 + Br2 → C2H4Br2

Bromine is brown-yellow solution that when shaken with ethene will turn colorless very fast at room temperature.

Product is bromoethane. If the solution remains colored, then hydrocarbon is an alkane.

This is an addition reaction.


Hydrogenation of ethene / addition reaction

C2H4 + N2 → C2H6

Hydrogen is added across the double bonds to make it a saturated alkane, increasing the melting point. A nickel catalyst is used. 150°C Temperature.


Hydration of ethene / addition reaction

C2H4 + H2O → C2H6O

Adding water turns ethene into ethanol/alcohol. This is purer than fermentation, and product is used in medicine and science. Phosphoric acid is a catalyst, and under heat and pressure.



Complete combustion: C2H6O + 3O2 → 2CO2 + 3H2O

Ethanol is widely used as a solvent in many perfumes and cosmetics and as a fuel.



Macromolecules are large molecules built up from smaller units (monomers) and they have different units for different macromolecules.

There are two ways to make a polymer:

Addition: monomers bond and rearrange, no atoms are lost.

2000 atm, 200˚C and O2 impurity.


Ethene Polythene
Propene Polypropylene
Vinyl chloride Polyvinyl chloride

These are used in making plastics.


Condensation polymerization: Molecules (usually water) are lost as byproducts.

Nylon is made from reacting diamine with dicarboxylic acid. Water is produced. This is called a polyamide as it is joined up by amide links as pictured.

Reversible under alkaline or acidic conditions.


Natural macromolecules

Protein has the same amide linkages like nylon but they are formed with amino acids.

Proteins can be hydrolysed to amino acids under acid or alkaline conditions.


P5 Heat and Particles

Matters of state

  • Solids: tightly packed, in a regular pattern, strong intermolecular forces, fixed volume, fixed mass, fixed shape, cannot flow, cannot be compressed.
  • Liquid: close together with no regular arrangement, molecules touching, medium forces of attraction, has fixed volume and no determinate shape, take the shape of their container, cannot be compressed.
  • Gas: Moving in all directions very quickly, no longer bond by intermolecular forces, occupies all the space, has the most kinetic energy, can be compressed.
  • When heat is added, the energy is used to overcome the attractive forces between molecules of solids, liquids and gases to change their state. There is no change in overall kinetic energy and hence no temperature increase. The heat used in this process is called latent heat of vaporization or latent heat of fusion.
  • 热胀冷缩。
  • Everyday applications include leaving gaps between railroads so in heat expansion won’t cause it to break, pipes may be destroyed when cooled excessively, etc.


  • Density equation: Mass / volume
  • Irregularly shaped solid calculations can be done using water, measuring cynlinder, etc.

Collision Theory

    • Temperature is just how fast the molecules are vibrating, how much kinetic energy they have.
    • The motion of the molecules will be faster when temperature is higher. exert more frequent collisions / collide at greater speed, with tyre wall, more force exerted on tyre walls.


  • Pressure and volume: P1V1 = P2V2



  • Skin/body gives the molecules energy.
  • Evaporation is the escape of the most energetic molecules from the surface of a liquid.
  • Evaporation leads to consequent cooling as it takes the energy away from the body that it escaped from.
  • Higher temperature, higher surface area and higher air flow means more evaporation.

Heat transfer

    • Put rods of different materials above a bunsen burner. Apply wax to the ends of the rods, whichever rod with the wax melting faster is the best conductor.
    • Heat transfer in solids by conduction happens when adjacent atoms vibrate against one another and pass on energy.


  • Conduction is  microscopic collisions of particles and movement of electrons within a body.
  • Metals are the best conductors


    • Applications: cooking, heating a tin, etc.


  • Convection is the main method of heat transfer in fluids(liquids and gases)
  • Hot air rises, cold air falls


    • Heat makes the air less dense
    • Experiment: put a lighted candle wisk and see the smoke go with the hot air rising
    • Applications: boiling water, air con


  • Radiation transfers heat and does not require a medium to travel through


    • Measure temperatures to show good emitters and good absorbers of infrared radiation like black, dull, matt, and bad emitters and bad absorbers are white, shiny.


  • Infra-red radiation is the part of the EM spectrum that gets involved in radiation


  • Application: Radiators in cars and stuff are painted black so produce cooling effect.

Thermal capacity

    • Thermal capacity is amount of heat taken to change the temperature of an object.
    • Temperature is a measure of how hot something is in degrees
    • Heat is a measure of the thermal energy contained in an object in Joules


  • Specific heat capacity is amount of energy needed to change the temperature of 1 kg of the substance by 1°C.
  • Equation: Energy (joules) = mass(kg) * specific heat capacity (c) * △Temperature (°)


Melting and boiling

    • Melting is the process by which heat supplied to a solid turns it into a liquid.
    • Melting point/boiling point is the temperature at which it changes state.
    • Boiling is the process by which heat supplied to a liquid turns it into a gas.
    • Melting and boiling happens without a change in temperature.
    • Boiling happens at the boiling point, happens throughout the object, is fast, and usually needs a source of energy.
    • Evaporation happens at all temperatures, is slow, only at the surface, and takes energy from the surroundings.


  • Condensation is the reverse of vaporisation and the conversion of a vapour or gas to a liquid.


Solidification/freezing is the reverse of melting and the conversion of a liquid to a solid.

P4 Waves



  • Wave motion transfers energy without transferring matter in the direction of wave travel.
  • A wave is an oscillation, such as ropes and springs and water waves.
  • Transverse waves are waves whose direction of oscillations is at right angles to the direction of propagation(direction.) e.g. Electromagnetic waves. It has troughs and crests.
  • Longitudinal waves are waves whose direction of oscillations is parallel to the direction of propagation. E.g. Sound waves. It has compressions and rarefactions.
  • Speed is how fast a wave is traveling.
  • Wavelength is the distance between successive crests of a wave.
  • Amplitude is the maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of equilibrium; absolute value of displacement.
  • Frequency is the number of complete waves passing a given point in one second, measured in Hertz (Hz).
  • Wavefront is a line joining neighbouring points which are in phase.


    • Normal: the line perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence.


  • Speed (m/s) = frequency (Hz) * wavelength (m)


Wave reflection and refraction

    • Reflection of wave in a smooth plane barrier: Angle of incidence = Angle of reflection
    • A change in wavelength may cause light to change direction and speed


  • Refraction is a deflection of wave passing obliquely through the interface between one medium and another or through a medium of varying density.


  • Water waves travel faster in deep water than in shallow.
  • Experiment to determine refraction: use glass block to show.

Sound waves

    • Sound waves are produced by vibrating sources which causes the medium around it to vibrate.
    • Sound waves are transmitted by compressions and rarefactions.
    • Sound waves must need a medium to travel, it is a mechanical wave.


  • Human range of audible frequencies: 20 to 20,000 Hz


    • Using data logger and long distances to measure speed of sound in air
    • Sound travels fastest in solids, then liquids, then air because molecules are packed tighter.


  • Louder sound has higher amplitude.
  • Higher pitch has higher frequency.


  • Echo is a reflection of sound that arrives at the listener with a delay after the direct sound, the delay is proportional.

Electromagnetic spectrum

  • All are transverse waves
  • All travel through vacuum
  • All travel at light speed of 300,000,000 m/s


Wave Function
Radio waves Radio and television communications
Microwaves Satellite tv and telephone communication, cookimg
Infrared Remote controllers for tv and intruder alarms
X-rays Medicine and security

X-rays can cause cancer as they can make cells mutate. Hence, dosage of waves must be kept small.

Microwaves make water vibrate and hence cells may be damaged by the heat energy given by the microwaves.


Light waves

    • Optical fibres can carry information coded in light or infrared signals, and they are used in medicine to transmit image and in communications to transmit data.
    • Optical fibres has light undergo total internal reflection.
    • Critical angle: the angle of incidence for which the angle of refraction is 90°.


  • Total internal reflection: the wave cannot pass through by refraction and is entirely reflected, and this is when angle of incidence is beyond the critical angle.
  • Principal focus: The point labeled F on the diagram, where the light rays come together to form a real image.


  • Focal length: the distance between the centre of a lens or curved mirror and its focus.
  • When the object is located at the focal point, no image is formed.
  • When object is beyond 2F, image will be inverted, small and real
  • When the object is located at 2F, image will be inverted at 2F.
  • When object is between 2F and F, image will be enlarged, inverted and real.
  • When object is located in front of the focal point, image will be virtual, enlarged and upright.
  • All light rays should pass the focal point somehow on ray diagrams.



Dispersion is when white light passes through a prism and splitted into a spectrum.

Dispersion happens because the different spectral colours travel at the same speed in a vacuum, but at different speeds in a medium such as glass. Amount of bending increases as change in velocity increases.

P4 Equations:

    • Wave Speed (m/s) = frequency (Hz) * wavelength (m)


  • Reflection: Angle of incidence = Angle of reflection



C7 Reactivity

C7 Reactivity

Reduction and Oxidation

Oxidation Is Loss Reduction Is Gain

Reduction is : 1. Loss of oxygen (covalent bonds)

  1. gain of electron (ionic)

The reduced compound is an oxidizing agent

Oxidation is : 1. Gain of oxygen (covalent bonds)

  1. loss of electron (ionic)

The oxidized compound is a reducing agent


Reactivity with Oxygen

Oxidation reactions – Cu + O2 → CuO, glow + slice flame

Mg + O2 → MgO white flames

Combustion reactions – CnHn + O2 → water + CO2 flames and stuff


Reactivity series


Possibly nicer livers can magnetize almonds cars,

zero-fee hype cures silvery golds


Metal extraction

Ore is economically viable containing metal rocks. Rock contains metals but not that worthwhile.

  1. If metal ore is less reactive than carbon…
    1. Reduce metal with carbon to extract.
  2. If it is more reactive
    1. Use electrolysis to split ions.

Alloys are formed to merge several desirable qualities of the different metals. Since lattice structure is disrupted by impurities, boiling point decreases as bonds are weaker.



Electricity pass through electrodes to extract metals. Cations are at cathode and anions go to anode. Electrolyte is the solution that conducts electricity.

Half equations:

Cations: Pb2+ + 2e → Pb

AnionsL 2Cl → Cl2 + 2e

    1. Separating seawater: Aqueous sodium hydroxide, hydrogen at cathode and chlorine at anode, sodium hydroxide is leftover – liquid NaCl won’t have leftovers.
    2. Industrial uses include: chlorine for swimming pool disinfectant and cleaning products, sodium hydroxide for stock chemical (strong alkali) and soap, hydrogen for haber process and margarine.
    3. Separating aluminum oxide: Al2O3, aluminum ore called bauxite, can be used to extract aluminum which is lightweight resistant to corrosion and used in airplane and bikes. Cryolite added to lower melting point. Al sinks to the bottom, produces aluminum and oxygen.


  • molten lead(II) bromide, lead at cathode and bromine at anode
  • aqueous copper chloride – copper at cathode and chlorine at anode
  • dilute sulfuric acid – hydrogen at cathode and oxygen at anode
  • Generally: metals or hydrogen form at cathode and non-metals form at anode.


Electrodes can be active or inert. Inert electrodes like graphite are not involved in the reaction and actibe electrodes are involved in reaction. Such as copper plating. Anode will become thinner and cathode thicker, and hence it is used to plate objects and remove impurity, electrolyte usually contains the same ion as anode.

Hoffman Voltameter is used to collect gas from electrolysis, such as water.


Blast furnace

Used to extract iron.

  1. Add materials: hematite, coke(impure carbon as reducing agent), limestone to remove impurities
  2. Make the reducing agent stronger: Carbon must become carbon monoxide
    1. C + O2 → CO2
    2. CO2 + C → CO
  3. Reduce the iron:
    1. Fe2O3 + 3CO → 2Fe + 3CO2,
  4. Remove impurities
    1. CaCO3 → CaO + CO2
    2. CaO + SiO2 (sand) → CaSiO3 (slag, used in road building, neutralizsation reaction)
  5. 1000C and 2000C degrees



Rust is the specific corrosion of iron by oxidation to iron (3) oxide. Salt speeds up rusting and both oxygen and water are needed to produce hydrated iron oxide in a redox reaction.

Surface protection means covering iron to stop water/oxygen from entering, using oil, paint and wax. Specifically, galvanizing means coating with zinc.

Sacrificial protection puts a metal attachment of metals more reactive than iron like zinc and magnesium so water and air reacts with it first.

P6 Electromagnetism and Energy Resources

P6 Electromagnetism and Energy Resources


Magnetic effect of current

Motor effect

  • A current-carrying wire experiences a force in the presense of a magnetic field.
  • A force will be creted and the wire’s movement will confirm the effect.
  • Practical applications can be loudspeakers and electric motors.
  • Left hand rule for movement, field, current
  • Reversing current reverses direction of force.
  • Reversing field direction reverses direction of force.
  • Force size is the greatest when wire is perpendicular to field.
  • No force if wire is parallel to field.


D.C. motor

    • Converts electrical energy to kinetic energy.
    • There is no current in coil when it’s 90 degree vertical, but it keeps moving due to kinetic energy.
    • A current carrying coil experiences a turning effect in a magnetic field.
    • The right side always causes a downward force.


  • Commutators also rotate as it reverses current every 180 degree so the movement continues.
  • Brushes are made of carbon and they conduct the current to complete the circuit.
  • Increase # of turns in coil results in faster movement as there is a stronger magnetic field.


  • Increase current results in faster movement as there is a stronger interaction with the field.


Inducing electromotive force

  • Set up magnets and a wire with ammeter, move wire up and down and there will be readings on the ammeter.
  • EMF is induced when there is charge in the magnetic field and it’s proportional to charge per second.
  • Wire cuts field lines results in small voltage to be induced.
  • Moving the wire faster, using stronger magnet, having more coils all increase the EMF.


A.C. Generator

  • Transforms kinetic energy to electrical energy.
  • Slip rings conduct electricity, and the induced current reverses every half turn.



    • A basic soft iron cored transformer is used to transform voltages.


  • Step-up transformers increase voltage from primary to secondary.
  • Step-down transformers decrease.


  • Calculation of voltage transformed: Vp/Vs = Np/Ns where N is number of coils.
  • Power in equals power out for 100 efficiency: V1I1 = V2I2
  • Calculating efficiency: energy input/useful energy output * 100%
  • Efficiency is the ratio of the useful work performed by a machine or in a process to the total energy expended or heat taken in
  • Uses A.C. due to constant change of voltage.
  • A.C. current changes, and magnetic field changes to induce a voltage in secondary coil.
  • Electricity is transferred through long distances over wires. When current flows, wire is warm and this wastes energy. (P=I2R)
  • When voltage is high, current is kept small, and there is less heat loss.
  • Transformers bridge the gaps between electrical cables and home use, reduces danger.



    • Sun is the source of energy for all our energy resources except geothermal and nuclear.
    • Energy is released by nuclear fusion in the sun.


  • Renewable energy is naturally replenished on a human timescale.
  • sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat,


    • Non-renewable energy comes from sources that will run out or will not be replenished in our lifetimes.
      • Nuclear, coal, fossil fuels


  • Electricity can be obtained from…



Source Advantages Disadvantage
Chemical in fuel
  • readily available
  • relatively cheap
  • Not reliant upon the weather.
  • highly polluting
  • global warming
  • acid rain.
  • Oil spillages
Water (Waves, tides, dams)
  • No pollution
  • Costs of running are low
  • Efficient for small islands
  • Good energy storage
  • High initial cost
  • Unreliable energy output
  • Infrastructure hard to put in
  • Freely available
  • No environmental impact
  • Drilling down has high cost
Nuclear fission
  • Non-renewable
  • Radioactive waste disposal difficult
  • Creates a lot of energy at once
Heat and light from sun
  • Reliable source when sun is out
  • Small running costs
  • No pollution
  • Initial cost very expensive
  • Not very efficient
  • Dependant on sun.

P7 Atomic and Nuclear Physics


Nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons.

Isotopes are multiple forms of the same element containing different numbers of neutrons.

Isotopes can be used to treat cancer, in radiation, etc.




  • Background radiation is ionizing radiation at an environment that doesn’t come from deliberately introduced radiation materials. Could be naturally occuring radioactive elements, cosmic radiation and fallout. It is always there and measured.
  • Radioactive emissions occur randomly over space and time as particles decay.
  • Radioactive decay is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy and emits radiation to become another element.
  • Half-life is the the time taken for the radioactivity of a specified isotope to fall to half its original value. Equation: n*(½)^t
  • Detecting radioactivity: Geiger-muller tube and ratemeter counts number of pulses per second. Scaler keeps running total of number of counts



Alpha, beta, gamma rays


α particles β particles Y rays
Charge +2 -1 Not charged
Mass 4 amu negligible none
Nature Helium nucleus (2 protons, 2 neutrons) Electron (e-1) Electromagnetic radiation, short wavelength
Stopping it A sheet of paper, or 10 cm of air. Few mm of aluminum Thick lead or concrete
Range in air Within centimeters A meter High
Ionizing ability Very strong Weaker than a, but still ionizing Weak


  • Alpha decay equation: AZX → A-4Z-2Y + 42He
  • Beta decay equation: AZX → AZ+1Y + 0-1e(β)
  • Gamma decay is simply loss of energy.   


Electric and Magnetic Field effects

Positive attracts negative beta particles and negative attracts positive alpha particles, while gamma rays pass uneffected. The same goes on in magnetic fields.


Beta deflects more than alpha because it has a larger mass.



    • Hazards of ionizing radiation:
      • Damagement of living cells causing cancer
      • Affecting DNA and causing mutation


  • Minimizing hazards:


    • Handling: Using tongs used to pick up sources
    • Protective clothing worn by those who work with radioactivity
    • Storage: Sources are kept in lead-lined containers
    • Usage: Sources are never pointed at people
    • Exposure times are limited


P7 Equations

  • Alpha decay equation: AZX → A-4Z-2Y + 42He
  • Beta decay equation: AZX → AZ+1Y + 0-1e(β)
  • Half life equation: n*(½)^t

Language Exam Techniques

Supposedly, these are the skills you need to function in an English speaking country, and here are the skills you need to prove that you have these skills.

Paper 2 – Reading (Three Questions)


The most important overall thing that you should pay attention to across this paper is to write what you are thinking down. Write down everything that crosses your mindWhen you are secretly commenting on how things lack common sense in the paper, or when you think a character is stupid, or when you believe it to be bad writing, write it down. I have been victim to implicitly thinking implicitly on this paper without showing it for too long, and this is exactly what they are looking for.


This paper also grades you for the quality of your writing. For this, read more libros. If you have no time, read Pale Fire by Nabokov and copy his style in which you use advanced words and syntax to intimidate the examiner. Either that, or you can quote authors exhaustively, or pay tribute. Maybe that’ll help.

Question 1

  1. Read the question before the excerpt. Extract CARPF – Content, Audience, Register, Purpose, Form from the question.
  2. Read the excerpt with the question in mind.
  3. On either the first or second reading, highlight the points you want to make from the passage.
  4. Check that they are separate points. (However, GCSE has this weird logic about separate points, so good luck.)
  5. Upon writing, infuse yourself into a mood in which you are the greatest, most expressive and fluent prosier of the century. Use complex words and sentence structures to integrate ideas but also make ideas very, very, very clear.
  6. One paragraph per bullet point, five points per bullet point. Include introduction and sign-offs as necessary.

Question 2

This question is especially painful because they are asking you to analyze bad writing. However, there are tricks to it.

  1. Pick the most out-of-place words. They are imagery. If an air-conditioner is being described and the word ‘bird song’ pops up, analyze that.
  2. Write it as you would a regular unseen.
  3. Make sure to include an ‘overall’ thesis at the top of each paragraph.
  4. Never include more than four words.

Question 3

  1. Again, read the question before the excerpt.
  2. As you read and highlight fifteen points, make sure nothing repeats off of each other.
  3. Organize. Organize points into umbrella ideas and use them to write your summary.
  4. Summarize away, using your own words and concise sentencing.

Paper 3 – Writing (Directed, Creative)

Question 1 Directed Writing

Do this question as you would do question 1 of Paper 2. However, this is supposedly easier to do because you can include your own points. You are mainly graded on making explicit and implicit points.

  1. Read the question before the excerpt. Extract CARPF – Content, Audience, Register, Purpose, Form from the question.
  2. Read the excerpt with the question in mind.
  3. On either the first or second reading, highlight the points you want to make from the passage.
  4. Think about the points you can derive from the passage.
  5. Use bullet points. There should be an equal spread between bullet points.

You should use 10 minutes to plan and 50 minutes for actual writing.

Question 2 Creative Writing

You could also do argumentative or something else, but my school only taught descriptive writing. It is the easiest out of everything and it’s the easiest to make interesting for the eyesore examiner.

Choose a question quickly and copy your favorite author. Copy copy copy away, the words they use, the sentence structures they like, the paragraphing, the style. Show your individuality and flair that you shamelessly stole from a group of literary giants. Show it.

If English is not your native language, translate proverbs, idioms and sayings in your native language to English as they’ll likely provide good and unique imagery that will certainly impress a (likely British) examiner.

Make sure to describe and not narrate, show not tell, use the five senses, extend your imagery, use motifs and metaphors if possible, but mostly, copy your favourite author.

It’s also important to make your writing cogent and cohesive. This means to have a clear structure, such as zooming in and panning out. Make sure that the progression is logical.